Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We have a Vision…

While visiting my amazing Aunt Jennifer in Washington DC a few years ago, I discovered her vision board in the living room.
 She had images of all the things she dreams of and wishes for herself in the future.
Every day, she looked at the board and visualized herself achieving those goals.  She is one of the most energetic, motivated people I know (she's my hero).
I love her positive energy and am in awe of everything she has accomplished. If it worked for her, I figured that it could work for me, too.
Tonight, Molly and I decided to make vision boards for the new year.
We found a stack of magazines and set up in the dining room while our husbands played Call of Duty.
Two hours later, the table is buried in stacks of paper and empty tea cups, our hands are covered in glue, and we each have a new board full of inspirations.
I have a long list of goals for this year; it took mad Tetris skills to fit all the pictures on my board.
I envision myself:
- saving money
- spending time with friends and family
- enjoying nature
- finding time to work on art projects
Molly and I discovered that we have many goals in common.
We both want to:
- eat healthy
- find our passion
- try not to hate winter so much

As we constructed our boards, we even came up with a few new ideas for our future, like taking a road trip to New York this summer!
Looking at it gives me energy.
My board is going to hang next to my bed.
That way, every morning I will be reminded of what  I want for my future.
(My board on the top, Molly's board below)

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