Friday, December 14, 2012

Good{will outlet} Friday #36 case you haven't noticed, Christmas is in less than two weeks and I still don't see any snow out there.  
Am I disappointed?   Honestly: no.
We’ve moved!

Please visit this post on our new website:


  1. oh my goodness! i just noticed via my stats that you had a shout out to my blog! SO amazing you are so sweet for mentioning me!!!!! side note- love love love this scarf idea i have A MILLION DOILIES and there are so many things i want to do but i never do, obsessed with this idea :D

    again thanks so much!!!
    the year of slow fashion

    1. oh! I was going to shoot you an email with the link but I forgot! Sorry about that! If you decide to make a doily scarf (or anything else with them) send me a picture!
